A training day is a club organized training event held at various properties throughout the Charlotte area.
You and your family are welcome to attend. You don't have to be a Backwoods HRC member to come. If you like what you see though, we would love for you to join!
In short. Any! There will be pups there picking up their first duck to dogs that have titled in varies venues. The important thing is to try and make your dog successful and hopefully we can assist in that.
You, your dog, and a good attitude! Seriously though...Bring any equipment you use for training. This would include such things as leads and e-collars. The club will provide throwers, birds, bumpers, etc.
The schedule will typically look something like this, but the times may vary depending on the time of year, number of dogs, etc. etc....
7:00 AM - Club members will show up on site to set up the training equipment. This is a lot of work so if you can get there early to assist, it is much appreciated.
8:00 AM - Training day meeting. The members running the training day will describe the set up and answer any questions. If you have any questions, please ask.
8:15 AM - Set up on land or water until all dogs complete.
10:30 AM - Set up on land or water until all dogs complete.
1:00 PM - Store equipment. Again, please help break down the test and store equipment.
This one is hard to answer! We will offer as much feedback as you care to hear and probably more. Be prepared to answer the following question when it's your turn to run the training set up. "Can you tell me what your dog is currently doing in training?" This will give us an idea of what would be the best way for you to approach the training set up. THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION. WE ARE TRAINING. Just because the dog before you ran triple marks and ran a blind all the way across the field doesn't mean you have to try it. Listen to the advice of the members on what you should do. There is nothing we hate hearing more than "I think I'll try..." This means your dog isn't ready for it!! Before, during, and after you run the set up we'll be there to tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly. Feel free to grab a member when you're not running the set up to ask questions. That's what we're there for.
Yes. There are some do's and don'ts when attending a training day.
Be respectful of the property - This goes without saying, but maybe not. We will be on someone's property that has graciously allowed us to be there. Be mindful of where you drive, where you park, where you let your dog go to the bathroom, etc. If you have any questions ASK! Seek out the owner and thank them for letting us be there.
Gun safety - While we will only be using primer loads during training. We expect (demand) that you adhere to safe gun handling practices. If you aren't sure how to use the firearm just ask. We're here to help!
Keep your dog under control at all times. This means if your dog is not running the training set up then it should be on a leash or in a kennel. Nothing upsets folks more than a dog fight or a dog interfering with another dog's training.
Do not touch another owner's dog without consent.
If you run your dog in the training set up then you should help out. There will be folks out in the field assisting with the training set up. If they help you then please help them! Be early to help set up and stay after to break down the equipment.
Be ready when it's your turn! There are typically a lot of dogs at training days so it's important to be as efficient as possible. If you're in line to run make sure you have everything you need.
Listen to the club members running the training day. They have you and your dog's best interest in mind. A lot of them have trained and judged dogs for years. They know what they are talking about (or think they do!)